
Is nothing something?

Does something have to be nothing before it can be something or does nothing have to be something to be nothing?


Copernicus Theory

Socrates could have been afraid to roll over is his grave, but he knew he wouldn’t roll off the edge of the Earth. I wonder how many rolls he is up to now.


Warming, The Fight

It’s so hot I could kill a cow, but it’s so hot I’m just going to order that second hamburger again, to do my part in the great cow war.


Put a cork in it!

If a single volcano can pollute more than all of humanity, why are we not busy making giant corks. I would also suggest looking into very large rolls of flex tape for those under water volcanoes.


Alligator Mandates

New study – Constantly sneaking up behind alligators and scaring them, makes them too tired to attack humans, with only 11% turning around and attacking the person surprising them and less than 3% of these being fatal, gives this a 98% efficacy rate. Since children and small dogs are most likely to be victims, this helps save our most vulnerable population. While, on very-very-vary rare occasions people with comorbidities are eaten, this is being twisted by some into the latest conspiracy theories. Trusting the science and canceling any not on narrative opinions or negative vibes is very important, or, our grandmas will die from natural causes.